Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
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Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (JKM) merupakan jabatan akademik yang terbesar daripada empat jabatan induk di Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin (PSMZA) yang telah memulakan operasinya sejak tahun 2001 dan berada di bawah Jabatan Pengajian Politeknik (JPP), Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi. Jabatan ini diterajui oleh seorang Ketua Jabatan yang dibantu oleh 4 orang ketua program dan 110 orang pensyarah (staf akademik termasuk ketua program) yang terlatih danberpengalaman luas dalam bidang kepakaran masing-masing.

Kesemua program yang ditawarkan di JKM, PSMZA telah mencapai tahap kualiti yang ditetapkan dan telah pun mendapat pengiktirafan Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA). JKM menawarkan lima program pada peringkat diploma.
- Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (MQA/FA3065)
- Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekatronik (MQA/FA3063)
- Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (Automotif) (MQA/FA3066)
- Diploma Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (Pembuatan) (MQA/FA3067)
The Diploma in Mechanical Engineering programme should produce balanced and competent technical workers who are:
PEO1 : equipped with industry-relevant knowledge and skills in mechanical engineering field
PEO2 : engaging on lifelong and continuous learning to enhance knowledge and skills
PEO3 : instilled with entrepreneurial skills and mind set in the real working environment
PEO4 : established strong linkage with society and players in the industry
Upon completion of the programme, students should be able to:-
PLO1: Apply knowledge of applied mathematics, applied science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialisation as specified in DK1 to DK4 respectively to wide practical procedures and practices
PLO2: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using codified methods of analysis specific to their field of activity (DK1 to DK4)
PLO3: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems, components or processes to meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations (DK5)
PLO4: Conduct investigations of well-defined problems; locate and search relevant codes and catalogues, conduct standard tests and measurements
PLO5: Apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools to well-defined engineering problems, with an awareness of the limitations (DK6)
PLO6: Demonstrate knowledge of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering technician practice and solutions to well-defined engineering problems (DK7)
PLO7: Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of engineering technician work in the solution of well-defined engineering problems in societal and environmental contexts (DK7)
PLO8: Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of technician practice
PLO9: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member in diverse technical teams
PLO10: Communicate effectively on well-defined engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, by being able to comprehend the work of others, document their own work, and give and receive clear instructions
PLO11: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member or leader in a technical team and to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments
PLO12: Recognise the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent updating in the context of specialised technical knowledge
Aktiviti-aktiviti berkala yang dijalankan termasuklah kolaborasi industri, tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR), program pensyarah pelawat industri (PPI), Public Private Reserch Network (PPRN), aktiviti keusahawanan, pertandingan sukan, kebudayaan dan kemahiran dalam bidang masing-masing (pertandingan Polyskills, pertandingan FIRA Malaysia Cup) selari dengan hala tuju transformasi politeknik bagi meningkatkan daya saing dalam kemahiran akademik, generik dan teknikal dalam melestarikan agenda transformasi politeknik.
Program-program di JKM bekerjasama aktif dengan dengan industri dan universiti selaku penasihat program bagi memastikan kemampanan program. JKM sentiasa menitikberatkan kecemerlangan akademik dan juga sahsiah pelajar melalui program-program, bengkel-bengkel dan kem kepimpinan yang dijalankan dari semasa ke semasa.